Continued strengthening of international cooperation
The Faculty of Humanities and Computer Science hosted professors from Turkey, Albania and Ukraine last week. The visitors were: Prof. Mehmet Ekizoglu and Ayse Beyza Sahin from Cag University in Turkey, Emaljada Memia and Prof. Edi Puka from the European University of Tirana (Albania), and Prof. Denys Svyrydenko from the Mikhail Dragomanov Pedagogical University in Kiev (Ukraine).
The guests, who were at the Mazovian Academy in Płock for the first time, met with faculty authorities Dr. Agnieszka Rumianowska and Dr. Agnieszka Głowala, took part in selected classes, and gave lectures to our students. Of particular note was Prof. Denys Svyrydenko’s lecture on the goals and methods of education under the auspices of UNESCO programs.
The contacts made will contribute to deeper inter-university cooperation. See you there!