Before you come
Before arrival at The Mazovian University in Płock please pay attention to all the following:
- Make sure that your passport/ ID card is valid and will be valid through all your stay.
- Check your Visa, if you come from a country for which visa regulations apply.
- Collect any other entry documents you are required. (e.g. insurance, extra photographs etc.)
- Send us a copy of the European Health Insurance Card for the entire duration of your stay (a scan of the European Health Insurance Card or of private insurance – the last one should be translated into English)
- Copy down all names, phone numbers, postal and e-mail addresses of people and offices at home with which you might need to have contact during your stay in Płock.
- Prepare to bring the recommended amount of money for start-up costs.
- Make sure you have the payment cards, telephone cards etc.
We hope you will have spent a wonderful time in Płock!