The Faculty of Humanities and Information Technology Sciences hosted a group of students from Spain from CEPA Telde Casco school.
Students from Gran Canaria were officially greeted by dr Agnieszka Rumianowska – Dean and dr Agnieszka Głowala – Associate Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Information Technology Sciences.
Spanish students participated in classes with Social Work students, English Philology students, Preschool Pedagogy students, and Early-school Pedagogy students, which aimed to introduce to them the secrets of Social Work and Early-school Pedagogy education at our University. The classes conducted by dr Dorota Dądzik and dr Kamila Zdanowicz- Kucharczyk presented, through an academic lecture, but above all through fun(classes took place during our winter holidays), main thoughts they pass on to their students, empathy among social workers in childcare, and strategy for developing creativity among the youngest students. Polish and Spanish students have a chance to exchange experiences about their studies, education, and life as students.
It was sad when classes ended and we had to go our separate ways.
Thanks to our students: Agata Wiśniewska, Julia Szwajkowska, Maja Grabowska, Natalia Sochocka, Kamila Kuklińska, Klaudia Woźniak, Szymon Kuczyński, Edyta Witkowska, Julia Margas, Aleksandra Strześniewska for accompanying our guests