Health Science Conference during Worlds Health Day – coincidence or substantive and mental consistency?
VII International Scientific Conference regarding Health Science – Directions of the changes and prospects of the development under the title Current health aspects, sickness, and human functioning in different periods of human life happened on 7th April 2022. The date of the event is the same as the date of World Health Day. The organizer of the Conference was the Faculty of Health Science at Mazovian Public University in Płock.
Prof. dr hab. MD. Maciej Słodki – Rector of Mazovian Public University in Płock emphasized, during the official opening, that: As the conference program shows, it will be full of scientific discourses. I am also glad that Medical Schools and public and private Vocational Universities attend the Conference.
Conference participants could present the results of conducted scientific tests and being able to learn about them in three sessions:
Opening Session
Scientific Clinical Session
Multidisciplinary Scientific Session and
Student Session.
During Conference 52 topics were presented. Speakers represented 20 Universities, including 6 Medical Schools, 4 Academies, and 10 Universities.
During the Conference, scientists dealt with many topics related to health science. Discussed things such as: how the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic affected the Polish Health Care System, new technologies in medicine, adherence, stress and depression, innovations in educating nurses, and education of students during a pandemic.
There was a separate session for students, who discussed things such as FAS syndrome, SARS-Cov-2’s effect on Polish people’s lives, music therapy, and raising awareness about the nursing profession to social media users.
Co-organizers of the Conference were: the Marshal’s Office in Warsaw, District Starosty in Płock, The Regional Chamber of Nurses and Midwives of Płock, and The Provincial Hospital of Zespolony named after Marcin Kacprzak in Płock. Honorary patronage over Conference: Rector of Mazovian Public University in Płock, Marshal of the Mazovian Voivodeship, Director of Supreme Council of Nurses and Midwives in Warsaw, Mayor of Płock, Governor of Płock, Governor of Sierpc and Governor of Gostynin. Media patronage of Conference: Nurse and Midwives Magazine. Financial support for the Conference was received from Mazovian Voivodeship, the City of Płock, District Starosty of Płock, and District Starosty in Sierpc. The sponsor of the Conference was Laerdal Medical Poland Company, which representatives were able to present to Conference participants a new senior simulator.