The European Commission has announced the results of applications for the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education for years 2021 – 2027 (ECHE – Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021 – 2027).
The Mazovian State University in Płock was once again among the Universities that received the ECHE Card.
The obligation of the Masovian Public University in Płock, to implement and comply with the terms of the ECHE Charter for years 2021-2027, is expressed in the University’s Erasmus Policy Statement –
Granting the new ECHE Charter will allow our University to continue active participation in the international exchange of our students and academic staff and also to cooperate with foreign partners.
The Erasmus Charter provides a general quality framework, for the activities that a higher education institution can carry out according to the Erasmus + programme. The possession of the ECHE Card is a condition that must be met by all higher education institutions from participating countries that are willing to take part in projects, implemented within the program in the field of personal, educational mobility or the cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices.
The new ECHE Charter 2021-2027 strengthens the existing rules of the program. It focuses on leveling off target groups’ chances, the digitization of the administrative service of the Program and on the implementation of eco-friendly practices.