Conference date: April 7, 2022 in a hybrid formula (stationary/on-line)
The subject of the Conference discusses broadly understood directions of change and prospects for development in the field of medical sciences and health sciences as well as a multifaceted reference to the SARS CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic and its impact on the functioning of health care.
The conference is addressed to nurses, midwives, cosmetologists, psychologists, doctors, physiotherapists, dieticians and other professionals in the field of medical and health sciences, students and graduates of these faculties and teachers dealing with health issues as well as everyone interested in health and beauty.
The condition for participation in the conference is to fill in the participation card by March 10, 2022
Place of the Conference
Faculty of Health Sciences, The Masovian Public University in Płock,
Pl. Dąbrowskiego 2, 09-402 Płock
Fees for participation in the Conference
Participation in the Conference: free of charge
Cost of publication – PLN 150 (for each submitted article)
We invite you to send articles to the Monographs, the subject of which will be related to the sessions of the Conference or to the International Quarterly „Nursing in long-term care” published through the Mazovian Public University in Płock.
The payment for the publication must be made by March 30, 2022 at the latest to the account of The Masovian Public University in Płock
PKO BP SA: 46 1020 3974 0000 5102 0084 8077 with a note: Name and surname “VII Scientific Conference on Health Sciences April 7, 2022
On behalf of Scientific Committee of the Conference Mariola Głowacka, MD, PhD, Associate Professor
Dean of The Faculty of Health Sciences
The Masovian State University in Płock