The Ministry of Education and Science has awarded the Mazovian Academy in Płock a scientific category of B+ in the field of pedagogy.
This means that our university is now authorized to establish a doctoral school. It already holds a scientific category of B+ in the field of political science and administration. Having scientific categories in two disciplines is a statutory requirement for the establishment of a doctoral school.
It is worth recalling that obtaining a B+ scientific category in political science and administration allowed the initiation of the Mazovian Academy in Płock under the law of August 5, 2022. This was the first professional university in Poland to transform into an academy, meeting all statutory criteria. This achievement resulted from years of efforts, including supporting the development of research and teaching staff through funding for scientific research, participation in conferences, and involvement in doctoral, habilitation, and professorial procedures.
The creation of a doctoral school is not only a significant stage in the development of the university but also a direction for the development of Płock as an academic city. It will facilitate academic growth for both local residents and well-educated individuals from across Poland. Work is underway on the regulations for the doctoral school, the educational program, and recruitment principles. The official opening is scheduled for the second half of March 2023. With the establishment of the doctoral school, Scientific Discipline Councils will also be formed. More details will be available soon.